Be everywhere at once with CheckVideo's Cloud Managed Video Solutions.
Convenience Stores
When it comes to security, convenience stores face a number of challenges that affect their bottom line. As an owner, it is simply not possible to keep an eye on everything on your own, especially if you operate in more than one location.
Thanks to CheckVideoās cloud managed video solutions, you can be everywhere at once. CheckVideo provides Generation 3 intelligent video security solutions that address every concern convenience stores have when it comes to protecting their stores, increasing profits, and improving operations. Offering cloud video backup and real-time alerts, CheckVideo helps you run your convenience store more effectively.
REMOTE MONITORING AND TALK DOWN - With a managed video solution, all you need is a web browser or mobile phone. You can view all your stores anywhere, anytime ā in real time without being onsite.
REAL-TIME ALERTS - Receive a notification when a store is late to open or closes early, the back door is propped open, a delivery is made or high value items are being restocked.
EVERY STORE IN A SINGLE VIEW - View multiple stores with a single sign-on using only your web browser or mobile app. Also works on existing cameras. Assign management roles by store or regionā unlimited number of users.
INVESTIGATE FRAUD- Investigate footage without needing to be in the store. Lightning-fast searches can be performed easily and instantly across all cameras at any site or multiple locations. Video can be shared with law enforcement in real-time without being on-site.
OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES - Visual verification of events such as theft, fraud, customer complaints, operational issues, workplace accidents, or HR and legal claims can provide critical clarification and significantly reduce your risk.
Make sure that cashiers are checking IDās when selling alcohol and tobacco, and that they are prioritizing customers over other duties.
Note employeesā use of downtime, and make sure that they are keeping the store clean and stocked during their shifts.
The smallest megapixel camera to package video analytics, DVR and a cloud video monitoring service (VMS) into a complete, Cloud-based intelligent video security system. The CV155A also includes a built-in speaker for live talk down.
Provides coverage equivalent to four cameras in a single weatherproof package. Featuring a wide-angle lens the CV182 also supports de-warped 360 degree panorama in ceiling mode or a 180 degree panorama in wall mode.
Includes motorized P-Iris lens, onboard recording, infrared night vision, and AI video analytics. It includes digital I/O for integration with access control and alarm systems.
All cameras include 30 day hd recording, analytics based detection, health monitoring, and cloud connectivity.
The CV182 supports de-warped 360 degree panorama in ceiling mode
or a 180 degree panorama in wall mode saving software and storage costs.
Ready to talk about more ways to improve operations in your convenience store?